Anthony Hopkins – $5 Million Mansion, Malibu

Without any shadow of a doubt, Anthony Hopkins is one of the most well-recognized figures in the entertainment scenes. Hopkins aspired to become an actor when he was influenced by fellow Welsh compatriot Richard Burton at the age of 15. His unique style of acting paired with his ingenuity in portraying his character earned him a huge deal with his peers and made his life so much easier since more projects opened up for him because of that reason.

With that said, a portion of his money was used to purchase a mansion in Malibu that became his retreat house after a long day of work. What’s interesting, his mansion was nearly engulfed during the dreaded fire in California a couple of years back. Good thing, the property was safe and no one was injured in his place. Probably after that incident, his insurance policy for the mansion skyrocketed in price.
